Vidari Kanda: Indian Ginseng

Vidari Kanda
Ipomoea digitata/paniculata
Character: The Nourisher
Vidari is a relative of Wild Yam and it grows as a large tuber in the hotter regions in India. It has been called “Indian Ginseng” because of its strong nutritive properties. It contains glycoside saponins and diosgenin which are cortisol hormone precursors that reduce pain. Read about cortisol here
Guna: unctuous and heavy
Rasa: sweet
Vipaka: sweet
Virya: cool
Dosage: 5 grams
Main Action: Lactation promoter, rejuvenator, reproductive tonic
Action on Doshas: Decreases Vata and Pitta. In excess increases Kapha and Ama.
Action on Dhatus: Strengthens breasts, female and male reproductive systems
Description: The “Indian Ginseng” — a wonderful tonic that gives strength especially to the bladder and kidneys. It also improves breast milk production and improves anabolic metabolism. It can be used to alleviate coughs and soothing sore throats. Because of its tonifying properties it is often taken in milk, nut milk or ghee to enhance its nourishing properties.
Main Uses:
- Impotency
- Senility
- Hormonal deficiency
- Infertility
- Diuretic
- Abdominal Pain
- Anxiety
Special Uses:
- Sore throat
- Bladder and kidney pain from dryness
- Emaciation
Precautions: In excess it can increase mucus formation.