Ayurveda Articles
Understanding and Managing Anxiety Disorders: An Ayurvedic Perspective
Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health issues, affecting millions of people worldwide. According to the National Institute of Mental…
Cleanse FAQ
Two Weeks of Delicious Ayurvedic Summer Recipes and Restorative Routines The Summer Home Cleanse is a unique opportunity for real purification and…
Summer Grilling and its Effect on Health
Unless you have gone to culinary school or love talking about food, you are not familiar with the Maillard reaction coined after…
16 Carat Chai
Chai is becoming a popular substitute for coffee because it helps people get going in the morning without as much caffeine. Chai…
Do You Need a Temple or a Hospital?
There was a time in a not so distant future where the separation between a temple and a hospital was not so…
Dealing With Adversity
Dealing with adversity and rejection is an extremely important emotional skill as all of us will be faced with not getting our…
Five tools for Working with Food Cravings
Foods and all types of stimulation call to us in different ways. It is as if there are two voices that we…
Creation and creativity
There was a time in Vedic mythology when the world and all its manifestations were created by the mind of Brahman or…
How is Our Mind Related to What We Eat?
With the research of Candace Pert about the molecules of emotion we are beginning to realize the connection of mind and body….
Is Eating Meat Ayurvedic?
MeatTo eat or not to eat, that is the question Meat consumption can be seen in one form or another in early…
Ayurvedic Approach to Allergies
Allergies occur when a person’s immune system mistakenly believes an antigen (allergen) is harmful. The dust, pollen, and even the smell of…
Ayurveda and depression
Depression affects over 18 million Americans a year and that number is growing according to the National Institute of Mental Health (Lewis,…
Three Foods to Decrease Inflammation
If you have been learning about Ayurveda then you will know that there is a correlation between excess pitta dosha in the…
The Problem with Excess Pitta
It has always been a conundrum to me that Athletes and people with type A personalities are Pitta types because these are…
Willpower vs. Body Wisdom
I admit it. I am subject to the same tendencies as everyone. Yesterday I ate half a block of goat cheese. Why…
Biological Thermodynamics
The primary way in which Ayurveda and most of the science and medicine that has sprung up in the East differs from…
Five Ayurvedic Tips to Soothe Anxiety
We have all been there. In a state of panic or obsessive worry that we just can’t seem to break free of….
7 Ayurvedic Tips for Healthy Holiday Adrenals
1. Sleep If you find yourself taking advantage of time off by staying up late and you are wondering where all your…
Are Carbs the Enemy?
Being a health care provider since 2006 I have seen a lot of changes every year as a new pivotal study is…
The Elements of Good Health
Whether you were born yesterday or 5,000 years ago, the elements that make up life are the same. Granted today we have…
Cold Shock Proteins and Health
Having been teaching and sharing wellness since 2002, I have learned a lot. Time after time, while offering many of my gifts,…
The Basics of Ayurveda
The basics of Ayurveda are well described in many books and online resources. The basics include the gunas, doshas, elements, Prakriti, and…
Fall Renewal
Many of us live on the rollercoaster of life and overwhelm our bodies and minds with food and media that they cannot…
Defining Ayurveda
Life? What is life? Why are we here? These are questions that have been passed down through the ages with the wisest…
Ayurvedic Nutrition and Pregnancy
Traditional nutrition recommends an increase of protein, salt, and calories. Nutrition is the relationship of food to the health of the human…
Healing From the Inside
True healing does not come from outside ourselves. Although many of us think that our health trials and tribulations will come to…
Sleeping Soundly
In keeping up the body, sleep is regarded to produce as much happiness as food. Happiness and misery, growth and wasting, strength…